Sunday, January 25, 2015

The Beast

Here's a first  thought about the beast of Beeston.

I've not gone out to Beeston yet, so it's not come out of any drawing that i've done in situe.
As a result it may well change quite a bit once I've been there and done that.

Pirates of Burley...

...lost, drunk.

Friday, January 23, 2015


...listening to the Smiths and looking out for drunkards and potential pirates.


...bus troubles. No-one much around to draw. Everyone's driving through.


...not as cold as Headingley or Wortley.

Wortley, upper and lower...

...and still icy.

Not many folks about.
Three scally lads having a smoke, random pedestrians.

Headingley the freezing cold.
students, coloured hair, parkas, rucksacks, beanies, charity shop chic, inappropriate footwear for this time of year.

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Scott Hall

i've been out, braving the icy bluster of north leeds on a sunday morning, and not envying the hardy cluster of football supporters watching the youths hacking a ball about on the pitches of scott hall playing fields.

i saw a lot of hoodies and parkas, slightly-tired-looking painted bikes left over from le grand depart, oddly situated park benches offering great views of the roundabout, bus lanes, barriers and under-used shops [but then it was sunday morning]

some of these things will no doubt find their way into the finished drawings...

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

work in progress...

working with the drawings and photos made in woodhouse earlier in the week...

Monday, January 5, 2015